martes, 3 de abril de 2007


a group of representatives from neighbourhood

organizations across the City of Toronto, invites you to get involved
in a one-day Neighbourhood Planning Summit on Saturday, May 26 to
identify problems with the planning process in the City, consider
alternative models, and create an action plan for change.

The purpose of the day is two-fold: first, to learn from each other
and experts about the planning process, its flaws, and potential
solutions; and second, to come up with an action plan for change that
will engage and involve communities across the city.

The recent Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) approval of 3 large
developments on Queen Street West has been just the latest example of
planning gone awry. Neighbourhoods across Toronto are exasperated with
the City's dysfunctional planning process and the role of the
unelected OMB.

We need to fight for change, and to make that fight effective,
we need to form a broad-based coalition of community groups whose
voice cannot be ignored by our political representatives.
Get Involved!

Come to the forum on Saturday, May 26, 2007 at the Faculty of
Architecture, Landscape and Design at the University of Toronto, 230
College St. West. Register online at

Tell us your story. We need your ideas. To help plan for useful
discussions, tell us about a development in your area that your
community thinks went wrong (or right), and why. Your stories will
help us identify key issues and solutions to be discussed at the
forum. To make it easier, we've developed a short questionnaire that
you can access when you register (see the registration link, above).
An example of a story about a neighbourhood
development is posted on our website. Details of the Summit
will be posted on our website ( as they are

Help Make Change!

Toronto citizens should have a say in how their communities are planned.
Let's raise our voice, put on the pressure, and work together for a
better planning process.

Pass This On!
Please circulate this information to anyone you think would be
interested in helping change the way planning is done in this city.
If we're going to be effective, we need as many voices from as many
different neighbourhoods as possible.

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